Road Trip!

See2See Road Trip

3400-Mile RV Journey — San Diego to NC: What’s Working in Health?

All Dates in November. San Diego 10-11. Loma Linda 12. Phoenix 13,  El Paso 14, Lubbock 15, Dallas 16-18, Little Rock 19, Memphis 20 & 22, the Delta 21, Nashville 23, Chattanooga 24, Hickory 25, Winston-Salem 26, Raleigh 27, and finally Wilmington 28 and the Atlantic Ocean.

November 11-27, 2018          Press Release, Click HERE



Click HERE to Order the See2See Road Trip Book




Monday, December 3. Coast-to-Coast Compassion, by Teresa Cutts

New Hanover hospital staff shared deeply about their Hurricane Florence and post-flooding experiences, with similar compassion, heroics and tragedy noted. In Wilmington, NC, heroic chaplaincy, paramedic, nursing staff and administrators offered both heart-wrenching and heart-warming stories of how they “ministered in place” at the New Hanover hospital for over a week… Click HERE!



Thursday, November 29. Economy for life? by Jim Cochrane

CitySquare: a riffed mix between a metal-clad warehouse and a retro architect’s office building, and a potent center of activities for the homeless of Dallas. No mere warehouse or office, it’s a fabulous mix of services, facilities and people that reaches far beyond what anyone can see. “We fight the causes and effects of poverty through service, advocacy and friendship,” is its mission. Click HERE!



Wednesday, November 28. Growing on bitter soil, by Gary Gunderson

Thanksgiving is dense with ambiguity on the Mississippi Delta. Hard not to be thankful walking around The Delta Health Center and its ground made sacred by the work of John Hatch and Jack Geiger in Mound Bayou…. Click HERE!




Monday, November 26. Top 10 things we’ve learned on how to (or not to) conduct a See2See Tour, by Teresa Cutts

1.  Our fantasy of “hours of thoughtful conversations and discernment on the road” was precluded by being in a noisy RV (which we nicknamed variously “Winnie the Bago” or “Jaba the Bago” depending on our level of grumpiness) that rode like being inside a washing machine and sounded like… Click HERE!



Sunday, November 25. Op Ed in the Memphis Commercial Appeal by Gary Gunderson.

Crossing onto the high bluffs of Memphis is milepost 2,225 on our road trip from the fires of California to the flooded sand plains of Wilmington, N.C. On the trip, sponsored by Stakeholder Health, we are looking at how people are finding ways to collaborate to do the heavy lifting in health care at the community level…. Click HERE!



Sunday, November 25. Changing the climate. By Jim Cochrane with Gary Gunderson

This trip began amid the historic California fires and will end in the still sandy flood plains of Wilmington, still wet from the unprecedented hurricane. Stakeholder Health includes the Adventist hospital in Paradise where friends and relatives friends who have lost everything….   Click HERE!



Friday, November 23. Love and trust at the forefront, by Jeremy Moseley

Love and trust have to be at the forefront of everything we do and all of our relationships. That is why the programs observed on the “See 2 See” trip were so effective. They put love and trust before data, money, power, recognition, and science. Click HERE!



Friday, November 23. Love me tender, a road trip blog by Teresa Cutts

Elvis Presley’s iconic hit “Love Me Tender” comes to mind when I think of Three Precious Miracles, a small, but mighty, grassroots organization started by Elisia and Tecumseh Manuel in Sacaton, Arizona…. Click HERE!



Sunday, November 18. Time in a Battle, by Jim Cochrane

Things take time to gestate, and there is no guarantee they will make it. They will need good earth and water to grow well and strong. This is one way of seeing the work of Chicanos Por La Causa… Click HERE!



Thursday, November 14. Hearing with your Heart, by Teresa Cutts

To hear a human, it may work better to listen with your heart than your ears. That’s the success in San Bernardino, CA at Loma Linda University Health’s (LLUH) clinic for the under-served and a healthcare certificate program that partners with a local Indian tribe. Click HERE!



Tuesday, November 13. Politics by Another Name, by Jim Cochrane

South Eastern San Diego Disparities Project (SESD-DP)

The key to everything in the project is that it is anchored in people who not only know their community, but they know a lot about cardiovascular disease. Many of them know it literally in the the heart of the ones they love most. Click HERE!




And they’re off!

Jim Cochrane, Jeremy Moseley, Teresa (TC) Cutts and Gary Gunderson — with the “Winnebago” RV in San Diego that will take us across the US South. We love the dog but she’s not real!


Monday, November 12. Love in Public, by Gary Gunderson

“You have to craft a life on purpose, sort of like a salmon has to swim against the fierce current.” See2See Road Trip begins in san Diego! Click HERE!



Sunday, November 11. En Route to San Diego. Data and Hope, by Gary Gunderson.

The data will not tell you that one human will cut another’s hair, or give away food or shelter or eye contact. But that happens, too… Click HERE!



Thursday, November 9. Introduction to the Road Trip.

The Best and Worst Idea. Gary Gunderson reflects on “What were we thinking?” What can we learn? These 3,200 miles are not entirely random. They start in San Diego because of the American Public Health Associationand the annual meeting of the 100 Million Healthier Lives movement, both really large and sprawling networks which involve many Stakeholder Health partners. Click HERE!


A group of curious health leaders will be hitting the road to find what’s working with America’s hospitals and the communities they serve. On Sunday, November 11, a humble Winne­­bago will pull away from parking lot of the American Public Health Association meeting in San Diego and head for Loma Linda—then over to Phoenix, Dallas, Little Rock, the Delta, Memphis, Nashville, Winston-Salem, Raleigh, and finally the Atlantic Ocean. The trip will culminate on November 27 in Raleigh, NC,at the John Hatch Lecture Series keynoted by Dr. William Barber whose preaching and organizing genius was recognized this year by the McArthur Foundation.

The group, led by Gary Gunderson, will be testing the premise: What if everything you hoped that healthcare systems and other partners was already happening? The group will be visiting the bright spots in dozens of places to see how they can spread.

Friends from other organizations—such as Well Being Trust, ReThink Health, Public Health Institute, Prevention Institute, 100 Million Healthier Lives, and the National Academies of Science Roundtable on Population Health —have helped guide the group on what to see along the way. 100 Million Healthier Lives is holding a large number of house meetings and some will be along our winding path.

Four themes frame our curiosity:

  • The community as healer, generically called “community health workers” (CHW) but are actually a very creative variety of roles emerging: Promotores, Peers, Faith Community Nurses, Supporters of Health and Connectors. It’s quite an ecology, each with powerful stories of healing.
  • Community as one people. This trip is part of a month-long national array of events focused on equity. After a bruising political season, it will be good to see communities that are finding ways to include everyone in practical ways to make lives healthier.
  • Community-scale collaboration among healthcare, public health and community health assets. Sometimes this arises from the official Community Health Needs Assessment process. But we suspect the most creative things go way beyond, lifted by the convergence of local leadership finding their purpose and possibilities.
  • Communities of Spirit and those leading inspired by the possibilities of mercy and justice. We think we’ll see a lot of creative and hopeful energy and intelligence; so expect to meet with clergy and faith networks all along the way. We’ll begin with an interfaith blessing in San Diego and end with Rev. Dr. William Barber at Shaw University in Raleigh, so you can expect some Spirit to move.

“We expect to learn a great deal about people who are investing their time, credibility and energy in practical work advancing health, mercy and justice in their community,” said Gunderson.