Links to the Stakeholder Health Forum Series
Stakeholder Health Forums are web-based presentations by health system professionals participating in an on–going open source learning collaborative that aims to improve the health of the populations they serve. Many of these forums were co-hosted with the Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships at the US Dept. of Health and Human Services. They are open to all those who’ve participated in Stakeholder Health meetings and conversations and their invited guests.
Watch and listen to these free webinars by clicking on the links
If you have an idea or would like to present for a webinar, please email Tom Peterson.
Emerging Roles of Chaplains in Population Health, with Amy Greene & Emily Viverette.
April 20, 2017. Hear the conversation HERE.
Join Amy Greene and Emily Viverette for this conversation, hosted by Teresa Cutts, about the new roles chaplains are forging in connecting faith and health in their communities. They will explore how chaplaincy — and the core competence of reflective practice — is relevant to this new era of population health.
Every Stakeholder Health hospital has board certified chaplains, and most have Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) programs of some scale. And now almost every single one is adding population health staff and resources. How are those traditional commitments aligned with, or even connected with, each other?
Hospitals & Housing First — Mike Griffin & Larry James
April 4, 2017. Hear the conversation HERE.
Health systems across the nation are increasingly becoming key players in the Housing First movement. And partnerships between hospitals and key community based organizations are often a critical boost to the effort. Join Mike Griffin, Vice President of Advocacy and Public Policy, Adventist Health System; and Larry James, CEO of CitySquare in Dallas, for discussion on this exciting movement.
Becoming Health Improvement Systems: From Hospitals to Community Anchors
February 27, 2017. View and hear the presentation HERE. (Note, due human error, the webinar starts at the 30-minute marker.)
In this discussion, Stakeholder Health Secretary Gary Gunderson of Wake Forest Baptist Health will engage Pablo Bravo of Dignity Health and Kevin Barnett of the Public Health Institute on emerging practices in the engagement of diverse stakeholders across sectors. Among the issues to be examined will be the growing interest in linking strategic investments in areas such as affordable housing, child care, and healthy food outlets with clinical care management and collaboration with other stakeholders to improve health and well-being.
Philanthropy, Health Systems & Community Health Improvement
May 25, 2016. View and hear the presentation here.
Foundations are natural partners for the Stakeholder Health community. In fact, they have a few distinct advantages over hospitals when it comes to our line of work. A conversation with Doug Easterling, Allen Smart, and Gary Gunderson. Doug Easterling is a professor at Wake Forest School of Medicine, Div. of Public Health Sciences, Dept. of Social Sciences and Public Policy. Allen Smart is Interim President of the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust. The host is Gary Gunderson, VP of FaithHealth, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and Professor, and secretary of Stakeholder Health. All three are located in Winston-Salem, NC.
Designing “Outside In” Health IT Measurement Frameworks
December 18, 2014. View the presentation slides here.
Is it possible the IT world doesn’t know what the new health system will need to accelerate and improve the implementation of the ensemble of practices identified through Stakeholder Health? On December 18, 2014, Stakeholder Health convened a Forum that highlighted the latest IT discussions of the Stakeholder Health working group. These discussions focused on developing a set of specifications for technology that can actualize the vision of Stakeholder Health—an “outside in” IT measurement framework design that will support the person’s journey of health as he/she touches the hospital or ambulatory care settings versus the usual ”inside the hospital” episodic tracking tied to reimbursement structures. The presentation and discussion was led by Dora Barilla, Loma Linda University Health and Eileen Barsi, Dignity Health.
Guest presenter Melissa Eng-Wong, Program Associate at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, also briefed the Stakeholder Health community on Data for Health, a new initiative that seeks to discern community priorities for using Health IT to build a culture of health.
Trauma’s Toll on Health: A Community-wide Response
October 2014. Due to technical difficulties, the original recording is not available. However, Dr. DeMont has graciously re-rerecorded the presentation and you can view it here: DeMont – Trauma’s Toll on Health
When Memorial Hospital of South Bend, Indiana looked deeply into the results of their Community Health Needs Assessment they witnessed a powerful connection between adverse childhood experiences and longer-term health problems. In the data, it was apparent that the more people experienced trauma when they were young, the more likely they were to face long-term health effects. That correlation provided the impetus for an innovative approach to offering a chance at better long-term health to thousands of underserved residents. Margo DeMont, PhD, Executive Director of Community Health Enhancement, shared Memorial Hospitals’ efforts, originally pioneered by Drs. Vincent Felliti and Rob Anda of Kaiser Permanente and Drs. Bruce Perry and Jeffrey Brenner, to build a trauma-informed community through several innovative programs, including the use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Acute Trauma Incident Processing (ATIP) and Memorial BrainWorks. These efforts have helped expand the reach of services to underserved populations and identify the barriers at every age to wellbeing.
CommunityRx: Connecting Health Care to Self-Care
September 2014. Listen to the audio of the presentation here and view the presentation slides here.
CommunityRx is an innovative program that connects patients in doctors’ offices and clinics with health and self-care resources in Chicago’s South Side neighborhood. It is funded by a 2012 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Health Care Innovation Award. Learn more about their e-prescribing technology embedded into the electronic medical record systems and seamlessly integrated into the normal clinical workflow. At the point-of-care, health care providers can print out a “HealtheRx” for patients, a customized list of health and wellness resources in their community and contact information for a special type of community health worker, the Community Health Information Specialist (CHIS) who can help the patient to navigate these resources. The places listed on the HealtheRx are generated via the MAPSCorps program, which trains and employs local high school students to map businesses and organizations block-by-block with a feet-on-the-street methodology.
The South Side Health and Vitality Studies, in partnership with Chicago Health Information Technology Regional Extension Center (CHITREC) and the Alliance of Chicago Community Health Services, developed the system, which includes a continuously updated electronic database of community health and wellness resources that is linked to the electronic health records at 19 clinical sites.
Dr. Stacy Tessler Lindau, MD, MA, Director of the South Side Health and Vitality Studies (SSHVS) at the University of Chicago Urban Health Initiative, shared her experience implementing CommunityRx and the impact the program has had on the communities thus far.
Chawumba! A Celebration of the Movement: FaithHealth at Community Scale
August 2014. See and Hear the Forum Here.
This Stakeholder Health Forum heard reports and reflections on the July 17-29, gathering in Winston-Salem, NC. Hear the update from Eileen Barsi and Dora Barilla on the IT Stakeholder Health work. Also hear from Heather Wood Ion, Fred Smith and Gary Gunderson.
Financing Population Health Improvement
July 2014. See and Hear the Forum Here.
In light of the growing number of health systems engaged in addressing the social determinants of health, July’s Stakeholder Health Forum focused on strategies to align the investments of hospitals with financial institutions and other community development stakeholders in communities where health disparities are concentrated. The presentation and discussion was led by Donald Hinkle-Brown, CEO, The Reinvestment Fund and Kevin Barnett, Senior Investigator, Public Health Institute. The session was moderated by Beth Merchent, Vice President Community Health Services, Bon Secours Richmond Health System.
Mission, Purpose, Power: Reporting on Stakeholder Health Gathering at Loma Linda
June 2014, See and Hear the Forum Here.
This winter Stakeholder Health participants met at Loma Linda University Medical Center to ask how these new findings call them to the original vision of their founding covenantal relationship in this new and ever-changing context of healthcare. Thoughts and reflections on this and other timely questions will be offered by Fred Smith, Professor of Urban Ministry and Associate Director of the Practice of Ministry and Mission, Wesley Theological Seminary; Jerry Winslow, Vice-President for Mission and Culture, Loma Linda University Health; Brian Davis; Associate Executive Leader, North Carolina Baptists and Sr. Margo Young, IESA Director, Community Health, St. Bernardine Medical Center.
Proactive Mercy: Community Grants and Investments that promote population health & expand access to care
May 2014. See and Hear the Forum Here.
Dignity Health has longed realized the important role that mental, spiritual and environmental well-being play in the overall health of an individual or a community. For this reason, their community health strategy goes beyond their hospital walls to help improve the long-term health of the communities they serve. Dignity Health also awards grant funds to their community partners, and works to establish larger pools of capital for those who have been historically underserved. Eileen L. Barsi, Senior Director, Community Benefit will share how system initiatives have positioned them for a population health management approach in an era of health reform. Pablo Bravo, Senior Director of Community Grants and Investments, Dignity Health, will share how their Community Grants Program and Community Investments are working to improve the health and quality of life in their communities. For More Resources on the Dignity Health Programs, click HERE.
Connecting Performance Incentives to Community Health Outcomes
April 2014. See and Hear the Forum Here.
Nemours is a children’s health system that made a strategic decision to focus on population health in 2003. One way of bringing the organization along was to ensure that the Nemours Enterprise strategy “Balanced Score Card” included population health as a high priority objective and to measure progress through specific metrics. Nemours even included a metric around asthma for children as one of its executive compensation measures in 2013. Nemours’ Chief Executive Officer and President, David Bailey, and VP of Policy and Prevention Debbie Chang, present Nemours’ journey in aligning its organizational goals and metrics on population health.
Prioritizing Equity and Wellness: Reducing Infant Mortality by Meeting Women’s Needs
March 2014. See and Hear the Forum Here.
In response to Detroit’s high infant mortality rate, Henry Ford Health System tightened the loose net of disconnected medical and social services to build a comprehensive, accountable system of care. By engaging community navigators in targeted neighborhoods and establishing technological support strategies, they are improving the conditions that lead to infant survival through the first year of life. Presenters were Dr. Kimberlydawn Wisdom, Senior VP and Chief Wellness Officer and Jaye Clement, Director of Community Health Programs, Equity Health & Wellness, Henry Ford Health System. To watch the You Tube video in the presentation, click here.
Community Health Asset Mapping: Building Sustainable Networks of Community Health Partners
February 2014. See and Hear the Forum Here.
Advocate Health Care and Wake Forest University Medical Center share the African/International mapping model they are implementing to map community-based resources at the neighborhood level and create webs of trusted partnerships among diverse stakeholders. Kirsten Peachey, Director, Congregational Health Partnerships Co-Director, The Center for Faith and Community Health Transformation, Advocate Health Care and Teresa Cutts, Associate Professor, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Dept. of Social Sciences and Health Policy will tell the story of how a South African mapping model is shaping networks of relationships in Memphis, Chicago and North Carolina, as well as, the national South African Hospice and Palliative Care Association.
It’s About Geography
January 2014. See and Hear the Forum Here.
Adventist Health System/Florida Hospital shared how they tapped existing resources and relationships to partner in the transformation of the 8,200-resident Bithlo community. It’s a story of a collaborative, multi-sectoral approach to addressing clinical health needs as well as the factors that impact them in a community where complex social issues and geographic isolation have fostered generational poverty for over 60 years. Hear from Maureen Kersmarki, Director of Community Benefit & Public Policy for the 45 hospitals in Adventist Health System will lead the conversation, and Timothy McKinney, CEO of United Global Outreach and leader of the Bithlo Transformation Effort.
Exploring Stakeholder Health Website
December 2013. Listen to the forum Here.
Presentation on the new web-based platform, The forum explored the new website and the opportunity it holds for Stakeholder Health participant’s to share their extraordinary work in community health development, media stories and other important initiatives and innovations that demonstrate their institution’s commitment to population health improvement.
Institutionalizing Strategies for Population Health: How ProMedica achieved consensus for a hunger-free community
October 2013.
When leadership at ProMedica health system in Toledo, Ohio made a commitment to focus on obesity prevention, they soon realized the imperative to also address the region’s disproportionally high level of food insecurity. Aligning key stakeholders – from board members, physicians and nurses to civic and business leaders, educators and individuals – would become critical to developing goals and channeling resources toward the work and its early success. ProMedica’s Chief Executive Officer, Randy Oostra and Chief Advocacy and Government Relations Officer, Barbara Petee shared how their hunger initiative, Come to the Table, is creating operational links with community benefit and forging an integrative approach to the delivery of care. Come to the Table link,
Transformational Information Requirements of Health Systems Delivery Care in a Socially Complex Community Environment
September 25, 2013.
September’s Forum conversation featured the latest IT discussions, including a report out from the working group that took place in San Diego (after the AHA conference and co-chaired by Dora Barilla of Loma Linda University Health and Eileen Barsi of Dignity Health). The working group chairs shared important highlights from the team, particularly the group epiphany that we need to design “outside in” IT measurement frameworks that support the person’s journey of health as he/she touches the hospital or ambulatory care settings versus the usual “inside the hospital” episodic tracking tied to reimbursement structures.